How far along? 22 weeks (the size of a spaghetti squash, and a little over a pound)
Best moment this week: The Bean kicking the crap out of Bryan's hand for awhile yesterday while we relaxed on the couch (been feeling a bit under the weather lately-- you can see it on my awkward face in this photo-- pale and kind of sad looking. Aaaah, cold season!)
Movement: Again-- super kicky! Today and yesterday have been quite strange, we can officially see her punching around from the outside of my belly. I am curious when the Alien references will hit a little too close to home.
Food cravings: Nothing to report!
Anything sounding disgusting? Not disgusting-- just hard to eat! This cold is kicking my butt. It's making eating things not so much fun. (Having your sinuses shut down and throat out of commission makes nothing taste good. I miss getting excited about food already.)
How's the belly? Tight! Lathering on the cocoa butter. I can feel my skin freaking out officially.
Gender?: Lovely baby girl!
Sleep? Still no so good, compounding cold on top of everything else. Still remaining awake though! Perhaps a subtle warmup for surviving sleepless nights to come?
Belly button situation? Still out with a vigor
Clothing situation? Feeling pretty happy with the fact that I can wrap my mind around being pregnant, not fat. I am happily outgrowing nearly everything, and am still quite positive about it!
I'm generally feeling: Sick, but super happy! The weather has been great lately, and has been making me even more excited about the summer to come. Compounding the sunshine on top of the excitement of meeting our gal is a vitamin D overloaded good time.

In other news, we purchased a dresser for the nursery from Craigslist this weekend-- I kind of love it. It's a bit long for our tiny nursery, but we were hoping to have a dresser our bean could use for many years in the future. I hope it was a good choice! Paint to come next. I'm still having a dilemma over what color to paint.

I love this nursery oh so much-- but I really don't think we could handle another gray room in our house. Right now, the kitchen, living room, and guest room are all gray-- I feel like it could be time for more color! (But this is precious, is it not?!)
I think I'm leaning towards this blue/green color instead. I love it mixed with yellow, and I think a bit of pink could mix in there too as well. I guess we will see! Swatches to come.


We shall see! Until then, I will be happily pinning... (and sleeping. Lots. And drinking tea... so much tea...)
I love that nursery with the trees!!! You should definitely do it. Who cares if it is more gray. Just add color other ways. Also, you are making me sad with all this cold talk. Happy thoughts sent your way!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited to feel her kick. :)
Love you!
I agree with Kelly... that wall would look wonderful in your nursery... the dresser is great! lots of potential. And Sara you could paint that wall wonderfully!! Your bedroom growing up looked great with the clouds you painted then the stripes downstairs... you've always had that creativity in you!! I love it!! my grand-baby is getting bigger and bigger.... can't wait for the day we all get to cuddle her!! love you lots....