Wednesday, November 26, 2014

16 Month Update

One thing I had not foreseen about having this beautiful new camera was the fact that my favorite subject might be too busy to be bothered by photos. This has definitely been the theme of the past few months. Not only has our bean been bopping around faster than we can understand, but she's just so darn excited about all the things that she's moving too fast for the lighting in our tiny house. This is why some of my favorite photos of her have been in our bedroom-- which is home to the best natural lighting. 

(our little ham)

Grandma and Grandpa Wisely also visited this month; Norah quickly showed them how much she loved to read!

Here are a few fun facts from this/last month:

Stats: She is off the charts in height as of her 15-month checkup, and 90th percentile for weight

Likes: Books, playing with all sorts of things (toy and non-toy-- magnets, the plastic utensil drawer, kitchen accessories), Super Why (show on Sprout), window clings, talking up a storm, Nana (she loves her Nana!) singing, the Daily Show introduction, copying sneezes (aaaaaah-dee!), ducks, remotes, letter blocks (she's getting quite good at pointing at the letters in her name and knowing what they are...nuts!)

Dislikes: Putting on puffy coats, sitting still (other than when reading)

Favorite Words: Owl, apple, meow--hi!! (whenever she sees a cat), dada, mom, NANA!!, nonononono, yup, yeaaah!!, aaaaah-dee

What I've learned this month: toddler girl hair, especially as long as Norah's, is incredibly difficult to manage. Pair long, curly-ish locks with learning how to use utensils, and you end up with long, silky curls coated in applesauce and turkey. The whale tail pony, adult-sized clips and bows are our friend at the moment. 

Is it possible that each month is my new favorite? I'm thinking so...

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