Thursday, February 11, 2016

Baby Wisely #2: Week 36

How far along? 36 weeks. I swear, all the apps online change their mind about how big fruit is. Oh well! Round and heavy? Sure! why not honeydew!

Best moment this week: Having my wonderful co-workers throw me a baby shower at work!! It was absolutely perfect. I was a bit nervous about having another shower (there's a weird stigma sometimes about doing it again; but Becky and Anne wanted to throw a party for baby regardless-- they are pretty dang wonderful); but everything was wonderful! Great food, and much spoiling from my oh-so-sweet coworkers! (We didn't need hardly anything, but was still spoiled with a bundle of cute clothes for our new gal, some neat handmade gifts and some gift cards to get additional things we need). We are so spoiled!! 

Confusing pregnancy symptom of the week? Baby is playing me like a freakin' bongo. I don't remember Norah being this violent?! She shakes my stomach from side to side. Goodness lord!

Movement: See above!

Food cravings:  Still on a juice fix! And even though there's been tons of food available this week... I'm not really hungry these days. Pretty sure my stomach has been replaced by baby. Which isn't to say I didn't totally enjoy the scones Anne made for us this morning :)

Anything sounding disgusting? Nope!

Sleep? Up to one tinkle a night or less. Win!

Clothing situation? Uncomfortable, but happy!

I'm generally feeling: Quite overwhelmed at work, so very much trying to relax and enjoy these last few weeks before baby comes at home!

Notable sibling moments: My official answer to, 'how do you think Norah is going to react to new baby?' is, 'as good as we can expect I think, she's two and a half!' Nora is equal parts curious, snugly and inclusive of baby Sprout-- but I can tell she's getting a lot more clingy to us, and also has been changing how she responds to people lately. I think this is going to be a good period of learning time for all of us!

House update?: We have a dryer-- woohoo!! Going on a super romantic trip to Ikea on Valentines' Day (woohoo!) to get her a dresser, then we are going to head to Target once our post-registry coupon comes in to grab the rest-- then it's just decorating, folding and waiting left to do! (Oh yes, and cleaning...)

Looking forward to: Purchasing all of the last minute things!! It's so close! One and a half more weeks I expect before we're 'ready'.... although if she came tonight, we'd still be good. So nice having the piece of mind of, 'we've done this before' to quell (at least a little bit) that crazy nesting instinct of, 'I can't deliver a baby until the curtains are pressed.' Aaaaah, hormones.

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