Sunday, September 11, 2016

Emma: Six Months!

Size/Weight: Two weeks ago she weighed 19 pounds, and is officially in 12 month clothes

Sleep: Pretty much the exact same as last month on this one. Minus a few days of absolute sleep craziness at the beginning of the month (waking up just because, not going back to sleep, then just generally being fussily awake for a few hours), things have been relatively predictable. Still, the whole 'I better be asleep in my bed at 8 or I won't sleep until 11' rule is in effect-- I love that she's on a schedule, but it's nice to know the consequences too! Recently she has developed a hilarious habit... if she absolutely won't sleep, you can put your legs up on the ottoman when you're in the rocker, and put her face down between your knees (feet on your tum, making sure that she can breathe between your legs) and she will pass out like a crab being flipped over. It's absolutely hilarious.
Social: She's officially involved with the world! She loves smiling and touching everything, loves reaching out to people and loves all sorts of things. Stranger danger still isn't going on in full force, so that's good!

Diet: Still breast milk, but adding in rice cereal and some fun snacks this month! I am trying to do a mix of baby led weaning with her (letting her explore/chew on safe things so she gets the hang of chewing rather than just swallowing-- while her super gag reflex is still there). It's going quite well! The girl loves rice cereal a ton (will eat a half ramekin full), whole canned green beans (getting the hang of how to bite them and eat them), and anything else she can get her hands on. We have a mesh feeder that she loves to eat bananas and cantelope in; and are trying new things all the time! (trying to space things out a bit so we can keep track of reactions and things like that, of course!) It's been super fun. She makes the best faces when trying to eat everything. Lots of frustration, but lots of happy, too! Now if only all that extra food helped her drop her night waking habit... ha!
Clothes: 12 month!

Likes: Raspberries on her tum, being tickled/surprised, eating all the things, rolling on to her tum quicker than one of those bottom heavy tippy dolls (now only if she could figure out how to get back!) and anything you hang above her that she can reach (especially necklaces)

Dislikes: When I don't give her food fast enough at the dinner table. Aaaaah, explaining patience to a six month old.
Milestones: Rolling over!! Happened right after the fifth month. She is getting really good at it!! Now only if she would learn to unflip herself (as she likes tummy time... but not allllll the time... and especially not accidentally in the night yet.

Norah update?: As I watched her reenact scenes from Mulan and Frozen, I wondered where all this drama came from. Then, as 'Part of Your World' came on Pandora, I was running around the house singing epically and acting everything out.... and realizing I have created my own dramatic monster. (But also big this month, on a more share-y and not so general note-- she can officially use the bathroom pretty much by herself! WOOHOO! Big step from just using the potty, to actually being able to get ready/do the thing/flush/pull up pants/wash your hands properly. YEAH!)

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