Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Emma: Ten Months!

Size/Weight: Who the heck knows! She seems extra large these days, but it's just a feeling. Ask my sore arms!

Sleep: Dare I say it? This month was better than the last. At least, a bit more normal! I still do a lot of praying when I wake up to work in the morning (pleeeeeease stay asleep... pleeeeease stay asleep...) but it's been a lot more regular these days. Up at 7:30am, down at 9:30, up at 11, down at 1:30, up at 3, down at 8pm, up once between 12 and 4, and hopefully that's it. Sometimes she wakes up one extra time when I am supposed to be waking up at 5am for work (and I clock in late. Blerg.) But honestly, I'm super happy for the regularity. I have to do weird things to get her to sleep sometimes (her new favorite is me making weird popping mouth noises in her ear when she holds my finger, that seems to do the trick... it makes her laugh, then she falls asleep) There's been a lot less hair pulling out and punching in the eyeball lately! 

Social: Stranger danger as officially taken in to effect, but she's a bit of a goofball once she gets used to people. She loves catching eyes with people then busting out into smiley fits. She also likes to show her displeasure by making grandpa face, as demonstrated below.

Diet: Formula, and all the protein! She's had a full happy belly lately. Some of her favorite foods are egg yolks, chicken, rice cereal (by the bowl) and grapes. She still makes the funniest faces at fruits, of all things!

Clothes: 18 months still fit well, starting to reach in to the 24 month clothes (I like being a step up; baby pants tend to pull in to their poor little crotches and it's nice to have pants that are long enough!)

Likes: Her sister (who can always make her laugh!), my hair, when you make dramatic, serious faces at her in a surprising way (no clue how to describe that, I make weird faces around here), her BeatBelle (I sing freeze dance in my sleep now), pretending to walk and attack her sister, Walter, so many other things!

Dislikes: Getting changed (I am continually amazed at how difficult it is to get her to lay still. Some tactics I use to distract her are having two toys to bang together, or the ABC song seems to work well), when she's had enough of something (she turns her rage face on), being put down when she'd rather use me as mom-taxi, when you try and get one extra spoon full of food in to her when she's had enough (she will go all kung foo on you and bat bat the heck out of your loaded spoon)

Milestones: Clapping, waving goodbye with a purpose, trying like heck to pretend she can crawl (although it looks like she's still a ways off!) No teeth in sight, I'm so happy she's taking her time with things. This part goes so fast!!

Norah update?
  • She started preschool this week!! She's gone two days so far, and has done amazing. I'm so proud of her. This is the first time she's been anywhere without family... which is a big deal! I watched from the observation room yesterday, but went home today with Emma. It's nuts. Hard on me, but I know it's good for her to be a bit more independent as well.
  • This has been a pretty great month. She's been so, so sweet and snugly. She picked up a few naps here and there last week, but has mainly done without. It's been odd! But she's my great helper when Emma goes to sleep. 
  • "This song [Of Monsters and Men song] makes me feel like I'm in love."
  • She's also been the sweetest big sister. My favorite is when Emma will tell her stories (she's very adamant), Norah will translate for me. "Mom, she doesn't want that toy, she wants her strawberry." "She really wants you to stop doing that and get me some strawberry cereal."

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