Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Baby Emma: Two Months!

Size/Weight: 13 pounds!

Sleep: So happy to report that she's a typical newborn! Up once a night, maybe twice depending on how much the family wants to sleep in. (Down to sleep around 9, then up between 3-5am, and maybe somewhere between 6-7) We've been noticing something funny though-- at her six week appointment, our doc had us start vitamin D supplements. With Norah we did the drops, but with Emma the pediatrician told us to use Enfamil Vi D Sol. And... exactly the same day we started giving her the drops, she wouldn't go to sleep until midnight or so. Lots of rocking. I tried not giving it to her for three days, and she slept great... down at nine. Today was the first day I tried giving them to her again... and it was another long night. Thinking we will be switching back to Norah's drops! (Who knows-- caramel additive?! Anyone know anything about this?)
Social: The smiles and giggles are here!! This is one of those things that makes all the rough first weeks worth it. I finally got the hint of a giggle out of her a few days ago-- not so much a chuckle, more of a smiley 'eeeeeeeeeeee!' type of sound, but it's where the giggles start! Her smile is so precious; my favorite is the first hello of the morning (I lean over, and she gives me her big gummy 'heeeeeeey mom!! Good morning!!') and the nursing 'oh hi!' right in the middle of eating. Freakin' adorable.

Diet: Aaaaah, breastfeeding is both adorable and hilarious. Depending on how long it's been between feedings, it's either a happy normal experience, or a battle of boob and spray. Poor gal. Lucky for her she's a champion eater, and is even able to cough while still latched so she can power through my powerful letdown (seriously though. Poor gal!!) 
Clothes: Happily in 3-6 month clothes... about to dig in the attic for our six month bag!
Likes: Playing with her chin (and shaking it!), having conversations, playing with her sister, eating, taking every nap in the baby k'atan, taking baths

Dislikes: chilling in someone's arms (she much prefers being upright, talked to or snuggled), being in the stroller (unless the mood strikes her just right), being in her carseat (I've only been able to get her to fall asleep in there a pinch of times) and having onesies pulled over her head. Side note? Her newborn 'upset squeak' is kind of precious. It's more like she's telling you about why she's pissed, and it's squeaky and hilarious. (This is outside of the, 'I'm pissed that I'm in my carseat' cry, which again, is like toe pulling off.)
Milestones: Approaching the giggles! They're almost here! The grumble giggle is still a big skip. She's able to track you with her eyes, and can see far enough away to communicate with you even when she's playing on the floor or in her rocker. 

And because taking photos on the big chair is a whole lot of fun, of course we had to grab some of Norah too! Here are a few of my faves: 

1 comment:

  1. Oh My goodness!! I have not looked at these lately!! the girls are growing up soo soo fast!! love these updates!!
