Sunday, May 8, 2016

Hi! I'm new here too.

We get asked a lot of the girls look alike. It's an odd question really; in a lot of cases sisters look pretty dang different-- Amy and I got the light versus dark thing going on (as she's blonde and blue eyed, and I'm brown and olive all around). Since Emma came out pretty hairy, light eyed and olive skinned just like Norah, everyone wants to know how similar they look-- it's so funny being so close in age, I'm able to relive some photo shoots! Exhibit A, starting with our hairy beast Norah:

And following with Exhibit B, our Emma:

Pretty dang different as can be! I do love so many things about all their differences. For instance, my ability to grow girls that are born with hairstyles. Norah had what I like to call the "Olive Oyl," and Emma has a straight up mohawk. I really need to gel that business and see what type of rockabilly she can really pull off.

I can't believe these two blue eyed beauties are mine. See those?! I grew those! And they're both pretty dang cool, too. I've said it once, but it's about time I said it again. How did I get so lucky!??! Not every day is perfect, and good lord knows I've struggled tons already, but I'm so thankful every day that this is what I get to be a part of. 

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