Monday, July 12, 2010

Lots of change!

The theme of the past few weeks have been change! Let me list a few of the new ones (I find lists are the easiest way to think about 1,230,304,394 things at once, especially when they are all big and could easily take up way too many pages of stories!)

1. Bryan and I both have new jobs-- officially! And are well on our way of settling in. It's been a great step for both of us, and have been really great moves for us both career-wise. Hooray things starting together! (Bryan is a beer distributor for Marine View Beverage, and I am the new marketing designer at Burkhart Dental Supply)

2. I cut all my hair off! It's officially a 'bob', although still pretty long-- perhaps I shall call it a 'robert'. (I would post pics, if I liked taking photos of my face. Which I don't.)

3. We just got new furniture for the bedroom/dining room/office. Chris and Brittany are officially the neatest people ever, as they helped put it ALL TOGETHER. Which, if you know Ikea furniture, takes a vast understanding of Swedish pictographs and the ability to do magic with an allen wrench. THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH! (And Josh too for helping us lug everything out and around the store-- I think we had 4 carts worth. Ouch!) I have 'during' pics here, I will be sure to post the finished products soon! (We are very excited!)

4. My parents got a new puppy yesterday-- Riley! He is a soft coated wheaten terrier. SO CUTE. Right now he is the curious type; more interested in chewing your pinkey and sneaking under the deck than cuddling. But he is PRECIOUS. I love him already (and it looks as though he likes Bryan too, as he was under full puppy attack for a good 5 minutes. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!) Mom and dad came over for dinner today to introduce us to Riley... we had so much fun!! (Thanks for coming over family :D We got to use our new dining room set too!

Overall, much excitement plus lots of sunshine equals a very happy me. Couldn't ask for more at the moment :)

1 comment:

  1. Sara, Dad and I had a great time last night. Thanks so much for dinner. What a treat not to have to think about fixing dinner! It was yummy... how nice to have your own personal chef at your house Sara! I love it! Dinner was great Bryan. It was great to let Riley be outside... Love the pictures you took! ((hugs)) mom
