Sunday, May 29, 2011

Every little thing counts...

Every year around this time our poor front porch gets ransacked by our overgrown flowers. Every year I can't decide if they're pretty or awkward (although 'nice', they don't start sprouting until the hit the concrete; making them cover almost half of our walkway) Although I forgot to take a before picture (my parents were over and we got a bit ambitious as soon as we put the new plants down) so all I have is kiiind of what it looked like before...

You can't really see the creepiness of things from that angle... all that matters is that we've replaced it ALL with nice dwarf boxwoods-- we're so excited! We also invested in recycled tire chips instead of beauty bark.. we are barefooters over here and it sure is a lot nicer! (We will need to buy a few additional bags but we wanted to show how excited we were tonight)

Woo! Little improvements. This project, shopping included, was only about 2 hours or so.Here is our frickin' long list of to do's this summer:

-Replace the fence
-Carve out/gravel a side pull out area by the driveway for the second car
-Tear out the junipers attacking the front of our whole yard
-Remove the little island garden thing holding our lovely weeds and blackberry bushes in the front yard
-Build a picket fence in the front yard
-Install Solar Tubes in the bathroom and hallway

Phew! I'm not sure if we will even be able to tackle half of these things this summer... but we're sure as heck going to try! With Bryan having weekends off, and a puppy that needs fencing, we should be pretty motivated. Here's to being productive!!

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