Monday, October 21, 2013

Norah: Three Months! My little chunk monkey.

Size: I weighed her two weeks ago, she weighted about 15.5 lbs, not sure how long she is though! She has an appointment coming up soon, I'm curious to see how tall she's getting.

Sleep: She is doing pretty well at going to bed at 8-9, and waking up anywhere between 4:30 and 6:30. I feel lucky that she lets us sleep that long! On weekends she wakes up once at 6 or so to eat, then back to bed with us until 10 or so... I love it.
Social: Our little bean is officially giggling. I'm pretty sure I almost cried when she first did it for us. She will smile and laugh at you from far away now if you talk to her, which melts my heart!
Diet: My little milk-monster. She has been munching on everything she can get her hands on-- including her hands. And toys. And my hands. 
Clothes: In 6 month clothes comfortably. I got my shipment of cloth diapers from and I LOVE them. A little too much. Post coming soon about all of that business.
Likes: Still likes changing table time, and playing with her hands! We made her floor gym more interesting by attaching a bunch of links and balls-- she has fun shaking the whole thing like crazy. Makes her super happy. She's all about grabbing things these days!
Milestones: Giggling and grabbing! If it's within her reach, it's in her mouth. The funniest thing she eats is her ruffle shirts-- there's always a ruffle within grasp. As soon as the onesies are unsnapped, the whole thing goes in her mouth.

1 comment:

  1. She's wonderful Sara!! and smiley and it make me so happy when she gets to giggling!! ( she doesn't even care that I can't sing!!)
