Sunday, April 27, 2014

Norah: Nine Months

Size: 21.6 lbs, I have the length written down-- in my planner at work! Ack! Must update soon  (mid 90th percentile in all aspects these days)

Sleep: Recently? Fabulously. I bought some blackout material for her curtains, and it seems to work wonders. She's sleeping from about 8pm to 6:30am (this is still pretty new!). If she wakes up at all, it's around 5am, and she eats and goes right back to sleep.

Social: Still smiling and waving at everyone; makes me so happy! Still isn't super overwhelmed with social anxiety-- seems like as long as the 'holder' is willing to change positions as often as I do, she's alright.

Diet: Still having a hard time finding things this gal won't eat. Well, anything pureed that is. Still pretty anti-chunk. Doc said this is perfectly normal, and to let her eat whatever she likes. (I'm pretty sure this rule doesn't include receipts/menus/any paper-- don't tell that to her, though. Any paper she can eat/gum/get in to her mouth is fair game. Scares the crap out of me.)

Clothes: Comfortably in 18 month clothes, a few 12 month bits still fit-- but some 2T does as well too these days.

Teeth: As named by my mom, "We have a left frontal enamel protrusion"-- we have teeth! Or, well, 'tooth'. One little bottom tooth decided to make an appearance-- without a huge meltdown from her yet, which is nice! Looks like the second bottom tooth is working it's way out as well. The drool is an indicator that everything is going well, I'm guessing.

Likes: Purple block (screw fuzzy bunnies, blankets and other comfort objects-- she loves her block), flying/tumbling, eating all the things, taking selfies (as soon as you point a camera at her with the picture facing you, she turns in to a little ham), playing patty cake, dancing, and singing.

Milestones: She's finally understanding things a little bit-- if you ask her, 'how big is Norah?" she will stretch her hands way up, as you say "soooooo big!" It's quite adorable. If she thinks you're not paying enough attention to her (this hardly ever happens, of course), she will throw her hands up so you will say 'soooooo big!' at her. I love it so much. This morning too she finally seemed to understand peekaboo herself-- she will cover and uncover her face as you play with her. And of course, teeth is a milestone as well! 


  1. I think she was 29 inches long... she's growing up so fast!

  2. I think she was 29 inches long... she's growing up so fast!
