Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Norah: 10 Months

Size: HUGE. I'm guessing we're at about 22.5 pounds these days.

Sleep: I feel like this is one of those questions that's kind of like fight club-- you don't talk about fight club. What's the one rule of baby sleep? You never talk about baby sleep. (AKA, it's going well. But like I said, I'm not going to talk about it. In fact, forget I mentioned it at all.)

Social: After a lapse in words, we are now back to chatting up a storm. This also includes 'twelfth manning people'-- which means shouting loudly whenever anyone is telling a story. Likes also include smiling and waving at sushi chefs, people walking towards us on the street, and any other people we pass in the grocery store-- but if you're coming over to our house to say hello, she might just bashfully bury her head into my/dad's shoulder, all shy-like. Who knows. (One things for sure though... if you show her a video of herself on your phone, she will light up like a Christmas tree. Little ham.)

Diet: We are officially full-force in to table foods. Well, the 'able to be chopped up into bits, or anything without salt' table food. Which includes what we're eating about half the time. We are still supplementing with a bit of jarred baby food, but only when what she can eat lacks variety. (We hardly have mangos or prunes in the house... we do what we must! Plus, they're just so dang easy.)

Mmmmm.... french toast.

Clothes: Same as last month really-- 18m-2T.

Teeth: Two bright shiny bottom teeth! None other to report this month.

Likes: Same as last month, plus: baths, CHEESE (so much cheese. If she doesn't like something, put cheese on it. If there were any question before... she gets her taste from me), anyone's hair who is careless enough to let her touch yank the living daylights out of it, glasses, hats, and scratching all the things. And laughing!! She gets going, it's absolutely one of my favorite things. 

Oh yes, and books.

And even more books. Especially the bed time variety.

Milestones: We are borrowing a walker/cruiser from my mom, which she has been booking all around the house in-- she will chase you if you run away sometimes. When everyone else seems to be walking/cruising on their own, Norah is happily content. Which of course, is perfectly fine with me! I love that I always know where she's at. The cruiser chair is a nice transition into what life will be like when she's mobile--and nuts to think about how un-childproof our house is. 

Also, Bryan and I are on vacation this week--so far we have demolished a bathroom (how relaxing!) stolen my dad to help us tile (he is the best!), gone to the zoo (pictures to come!) and have done some much needed cuddles/relaxing. Alas, I get out of the shower to see Bryan dancing with Norah to Frank Sinatra. Life is good, couldn't ask for more.

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