Friday, September 12, 2014

Norah: Toddler edition.

Wow. I find it a bit odd, that as soon as I stop posting updates, the milestones start flying by. Norah was apparently waiting until the pass of her first birthday to start doing what other babies do earlier-- which is totally fine by me! This also means that the past month and half have been full of adorableness, changes, and all sorts of fun! 

What baby doesn't love playing with kitchen crap? This, in fact, has covered nearly all aspects of play though-- out of all the fancy toys, the best things to play with are always non-toys. Which is nice, because we don't have to lug toys around everywhere as much-- a menu or scraps of paper will do just fine.

(Oh, look-- bowl!)

Another huge milestone has been crawling/cruising/walking all at the same time. Okay, so not walking quite yet... but we're pretty darn close. She is down to holding one finger as she runs around. (Which, if you ever need me, that's what I will be up to! Booking it around the house/yard with my fingertips held hostage. She would play outside all day if you'd let her! I hope this keeps up all throughout her childhood... I would love to have an outdoor baby!)

Football season is also upon us! And why yes, all three of us have Wilson jerseys.  What can I say, the man's good. Bryan is very excited that Norah is finally sporting the jersey too! 

It's also been fun having her interact with other babies. Olivia (Meghan and Chris's only) has been excellent company so far, and doesn't mind coming over and getting massively licked by Walter, or having to share toys with Norah. It's been going quite well so far, those two are actually pretty precious together. I am amazed at how quickly babies recognize their own and start a little pack of wonder.

I really couldn't have asked for more this summer. The weather has been fabulous; Norah has turned in to this toddler who repeats sounds, remembers and answers questions you ask her, knows how to 'talk' to us, and loves to dance and eat everything that comes her way. She is even learning to play fetch, which makes our other fur baby quite happy. Now if time could just slow down just a little bit... 

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