Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

I feel like every blog post these days could start with, "if you want time to fly by, just have a child."

I feel like last Halloween was last month. Buying a little mouse costume, and reveling in the fact that it just looked so darn cozy. It was really a glorious improvement in kids costumes... a big bundle of fluff. So genius. This year wasn't so fluffy... and I was a bit nervous about it. Put a 15-month-old in a mountain of tulle and shiny polyester? Sounded like a meltdown. But the, "I am going to make her wear all the things I want before she decides she wants do be Dora the explorer every year until eternity" gene kicked in, and alas, we had a Snow White. And after fearing the meltdown all day, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that she loves flurrfy things as much as I do. She seemed to rather enjoy herself. Exhibit A:

Turns out, the hardest part of the night was getting her to sit still long enough to take a picture! We got to visit Nana and Great Grandma, and do many laps around the house. Totally worth the $14 we spent on the costume. (A wonderfully written piece on babies in Halloween costumes can be found here.)

We topped out at around 10 trick or treaters total (which left us with a mound of candy), and had some folks over for a quasi-scary movie and some tasty treats. A fantastically low-key and wonderful night.

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