Thursday, March 3, 2016

Baby Wisely #2: Week 39

How far along? 39 weeks! Eeep!! 

Best moment this week: Getting everything done, and relaxing more! (And finishing a huge project at work, so I can really start to unwind a bit! Things have been a bit nuts!)

Confusing pregnancy symptom of the week? Overheated, swollen puffy fingers and toes... not necessarily in a huge swollen looking way-- just more feeling like my hands and feet are radiating heat wave lines. :/ Is another symptom being super squirly and weirder than average? Because I'm definitely there, too.

Movement: Definitely more quiet this week-- I've been doing my kick counts, which is a first-- it feels like she's running out of room like crazy, so it's just not as fun to kick around like it was before... 

Food cravings:  Juice. Every morning. 

Anything sounding disgusting? Still can't do warm drinks in the morning...

Sleep? Exhausted this week. Trying to get to bed earlier to catch up... sleeping decently well still!

Clothing situation? Even maternity outfits are too short. This is hilarious.  

I'm generally feeling: Pretty darn tired! Desk is officially cleaned out at work, which is incredibly bittersweet... I love my coworkers so much; it's odd to think that soon I won't be there day to day for a few years... again, it's an odd halfway point; and I am working until I go in to labor... so I'm not quite sure when to say goodbye?? But so, so tired... wanting to go to sleeeeeep... yup. Blog and sleep. It's going to happen.

Notable sibling moments: Quoting everything. Some of my favorites: 
- After watching Aladin music videos, she grabs my hand, looks me in the eye and says, 'do you trust me?'
- 'Gold Bond. Ultimate lotion, ultimate skin.'
- 'They're only $40... my friends love them, my shoes are great!'
- 'Tax DRS!' (After the tax doctor...??)

House update?: FOUND THE DIAPERS. Guess where they were.... with my other diapers. Am I allowed to claim pregnant crazy yet? I'm claiming pregnant crazy. Also, the house is pretty much done-- if you don't count the garage... anyone want to come over and clean our garage?

Looking forward to: I've been really enjoying these past few weeks, and can't wait to meet her because I feel like we're all finally ready-- but it will be really nice to not be on a surprise schedule!! This not knowing is difficult!!

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