Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Emerald City Comicon

Bryan meets Wickett

Chris and Tim as the Wonder Twins. (Chris was Jayna, of course)

The rest of the day in a nutshell

Lou Ferigno

As many of you know, my husband is quite the comic book nerd. As life has emerged, he has slowly been pulling me into his world of nerd-dom, and I'd have to say, I quite enjoy it. This Saturday a big group of us traveled to Seattle to Comicon... which was glorious. The selection of neat items for sale was okay; my highlights of the day were definitely the costumes. A few people went all out, I just wish I had taken more pictures! Overall we found a few great finds; including an awesome cartoon of Chewbacca (and a puffer fish, of all things) and a few free comics.

My nerd score? +7. Boo-yah. :)


  1. Sisterface! You must tell Bryan that Vitamin water is not a suitable weapon for Sand People.

  2. Haha!! I told him, he very much agrees; and in retrospect was thinking about a possible better weapon. Poor husband.
