Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dreaming again...

The neat thing about having a house that's been remodeled a few times is the interesting little nooks that are left behind. In our 60 year old house's case, it happens to be a rather large nook in the back of our kitchen. (Which; there is no photo of; partially because I'm feeling lazy, the other part being I don't care to show you that it's currently the spot my treadmill and recycling live-- and that the treadmill is more of a clothes rack these days) Woops!

If there's one thing I've learned whilst dreaming about extravagant things to do with this nook (mostly involving renovating our entire kitchen) it's that kitchen things are expensive. Countertops? Expensive. Cabinets? Especially expensive. And floors for a kitchen nearly the size of our living room it seems? Expensive. Which is why I'm currently dreaming about an idea like this:

Bam. Add a bit of drywall. A pocket door. (Heck, even regular pantry-type doors.) Some shelving/maybe a spiffy little stainless steel island from Ikea.) Easy-peasy. Sad, sad empty space that I keep my well-used treadmill dry my clothes in? Fixed. And pretty useful too I would say. (Because be honest-- who has room to have all their appliances out at the same time?! Half of mine sleep in the laundry room.)

So, added officially to the 'dream' list. Done.


  1. That space would be perfect!!!!

  2. WOOHOO Sara! I think that would work great for that spot... I'll volunteer Dad and me to help!

  3. Oh my gosh that would be perfect sister!
