Tuesday, December 6, 2011

(Puppy-proof) Christmas at the Wiselys'

Attempting to decorate for Christmas with a year and a half old Golden Retriever is, well, challenging. Last year we had the tree-pocolypse; (aka: Walter eating a dozen glass bulbs, as well as the entire bottom 2/3 of our tree) so this year we decided to start lean and see what happened. With only a sparse collection of my beloved ornaments (my family let me keep the ones I've had since I was a kid; mixed with new ones from Bryan and friends), we set out to see what the pup would do. No super-special I've-had-this-since-I-was-four-years-old business this year. And for good reason too. The tree, the night we put it up:

See? Sparse. Alright. And yes, decorated on the bottom, but only fabric ornaments and things of the like. And here is our tree as of tonight, after Walter redecorated:

Much better in his opinion. No ornaments. One lone mitten we're keeping up there is left, to teach him 'leave it' (a day too late). It appears the pup is also stepping straight into the tree to reach higher; several boughs are nearly a foot droopier than they should be. I'm just thankful we invested in the ultra-mega-awesome Christmas tree stand at Target. Here's hoping it holds up through the rest of the season!

Also, on a side note-- I'm nearly finished Christmas shopping, and there are nearly 19 days left. This never happens. Now if only I could wake up on time in the mornings...

1 comment:

  1. The tree looks beautiful! Even after Walter redecorated. ;)

