Monday, November 11, 2013

Halloween and other things (better late than never)!

So I know that Norah was only three months old on Halloween... but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to dress our gal up in a costume. I figure I only have a few years where we can choose her costume before she starts choosing ninja-space-warrior-princess-rockstar or something like that. So alas! Mouse it was! We got to go visit Kelly's Mom (it was also her birthday), and snap a few pics of Norah at my parent's house. It was a pretty good impromptu Halloween! (And, because we only had five trick-or-treaters, we were--oh no!-- overrun by candy. Oh. Darn. :) 

Also, here are the looks I get when I take too long getting her out of her car seat (AKA, I know I'm looking cute, mom, but please get me out of here.)


  1. Love it!!! She gets more adorable every day! Also, my mom loved the visit!

  2. love updates and pictures!! never ever to late!!!! she's so precious Sara, ((hugs))

  3. I have to look at your blog every morning at work whether you posted new or not just to see her sweet face! Love you sister and the most beautiful, adorable niece in the world!
