Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Norah: Four Months

SizeA week ago she weighed just over 16 pounds. This was, of course, before she had eaten though-- so add in another half pound or so of milk at any given moment.

Sleep: Well, our little bean must be focused on growing moreso-- she has been up once a night about three in the morning every day, but it's really not bad. On another note-- we finally made the switch to the nursery! It was hard. Harder for me than for her though, I think. (Took me one time putting her in there to fall asleep... then me promptly taking her to bed with us again once it was time for us to tuck in. I can't resist that little face.) 
Social: You can officially glare and smile at her from across the room, and she will smile back! She definitely knows both Bryan and I, and smiles at Grandma whenever she sees her. She loves to sing songs with us, and loves when you dance with her-- she's also discovered how neat her voice is. Sometimes what started out as a fuss turns in to, "oh! That's neat. Let's draw on that note for a few minutes." Makes Bryan and I smile!
Diet: Still breast milk only-- I've been cleared by the doc to not start solids until 6 months, woohoo! (Not looking forward to that switch, for purely stinky reasons, if you catch my drift). And, you know, the longer I can breast feed her exclusively the better. She definitely doesn't have a problem with size!
Clothes: Fitting snugly in six month clothes, swims around in nine month a bit, but we're comfortable in those, too.
Likes: Singing, dancing, talking to you, and playing with all her new toys (especially the chewy ones)!
Milestones: Turning over! First time was officially last Friday. Hasn't happened since then, but she spends a lot of time flipping to her side these days. I feel like her puffy diapers might have a part of this; but I figure that makes her even stronger in the end. 

I had today off, which was amazing-- so much snuggle time! And I couldn't resist another little photoshoot, of course. Here are a few of my favorites:


  1. Love love love that little girl!!!! you got great pictures Sara!! Norah is growing up fast!!! love your updates!!!

  2. She is so precious!!! And adorable!!! Love her!

  3. Love all if these! Just catching up! We should meet up on google+ talk or something it would be cool!
