Sunday, January 26, 2014

Norah: 6 Months

SizeSix month checkup says? She is 19 lbs, an 28" long. Still running in the 90-95th percentile in all categories. Atta, girl.

Sleep: Still on our 12:30/4am wake up calls. Not ready to try a sleep schedule yet-- for now I'd rather lose sleep than not go to her when she cries-- Once we figure out a method that makes everybody happy, I might try it-- for now, this is just fine by me.
Social: This has for sure been a fun month. Along with becoming more sturdy, she is having way more fun with people-- you can make her laugh so easily now (my dancing is especially hilarious... I have no idea why). She has been staring at people who hold her with this 'I'm trying to figure you out" face-- she spends a lot of time soaking things in. I love it.
Diet: This was a big month for us-- decided to start solid foods just over a week ago! It started out... well... a bit slow, but we've been getting the hang of it. I started her out on organic rice cereal (I've decided that if I have the means to put organic things in her little belly, I am going to make it happen... she is bound to explore the world of pesticide-ridden, Taco Bell gloriousness one day-- but for now, when she's doubling her weight every couple months it seems, we'll stick to organic. I've been trying to eat better, too.) After three days of rice cereal, we moved to mashed avocado, and after that on to carrots... and after much deliberation, carrots are definitely her favorite. Ate almost half the jar last night(!). Mixed a bit of carrots with the rice cereal, she is all about that too. Woo! Go little eater!

Mmmm. Carrots.
Clothes: Where did 9-month clothes go?! We jumped straight in to 12-month clothes it seems like. Atta girl.
Likes: Babbling! She talks to us all the time now. She has just started repeating the noises we make, which melts my heart. (Posted a video on Facebook, she will repeat 'mama' back to me when I say it to her. Heart. Melted.) Also loves rolling around--especially tummy to back-- and 'flying'-- I lay her in my arms face down, and fly her around the house. Man. I wish someone could do that to me. Seems like a blast :)
Milestones: Solid food and repeating syllables works for me! (Such a fun month!)

And in regards to our 'first born,' he has been enjoying the festivities. Here is is, looking stoic.

He really has been the best 'big brother' ever. He deals with her when she pats tugs on his face hair, and cuddles whenever he can. He leaves her toys alone at the moment, and even politely steps around her blanket when it's laying on the floor. He isn't nearly this polite when he's at my mom's house-- we're working on that next :) 

1 comment:

  1. She's so smart I can't even stand it! I think it's funny she loves carrots too. You know who also loves carrots? Justin. I think they are going to be great friends someday.
