Sunday, February 16, 2014

Since the new year...

I've forgotten to mention in my previous post, my wonderful Christmas gift the dear hubs got for me-- a brand spankin' new Canon Rebel SL1! I think I might be in love. Up until now, I've been borrowing a Rebel from our dear friend and neighbor Josh-- (who is almost inhumanly sweet in letting us borrow it for so long!) but now I have one of my very own! I have been having a blast learning how to use it. And on that note, here are a few snapshots from the past month or so.

Meghan and Olivia came to visit us last weekend! We were lucky enough to get to keep them overnight. Olivia was an ambassador for well-behaved babies. It's the future-besties first official sleepover.

Record that Norah's hair is long enough for a whale tale. Yeeeeeah.

Poor Norah's noggin is also officially too large for all of her baby hats... so we went shopping today. What can I say, I'm a fan.

Norah is a fan of fancy hats as well, but not nearly as much as she is a fan of dad playing with the elephant. (Her excited face is one of my favorite things. Ever. It's hard to capture that much joy in a picture. I will continue on my journey to do so.)

1 comment:

  1. That picture of me with Norah is like, the best picture anyone has ever taken of me.
    You are now my personal photographer
