Thursday, February 18, 2016

Baby Wisely #2: Week 37

How far along? 37 weeks-- full term! My swiss chard sprout. 

Best moment this week: Had a big, 'uh-oh, that felt definitely like a spin,' (woke me up, this one's a pushy baby!) then thinking her head was where her little tush was... then finding out that she's still head down!! Woohoo! Had a great midwife appointment today and talked about our birth plan. Having all this be a bit more real is super exciting. 

Confusing pregnancy symptom of the week? Nesting. Grime hiding anywhere? Who knew you could organize that? I can. Watch out house... I'm coming. Unless I take a nap. Then I will just be dreaming about cleaning you.

Movement: Still belly-shaking, happy head-down mover.

Food cravings:  Juuuuuuuice. Yes!

Anything sounding disgusting? Nope!

Sleep? Sleeping like a rock (although I don't get much these days, I'm averaging about five hours a night between trying to get the house in order and going in to work early...) I will wake up randomly at 3am wide awake, but then tinkle and won't move until my next alarm goes off. It could be worse!

Clothing situation? Tight and short! Oh well. Only a few weeks left-- world, welcome to the bottom half of my belly. (Unless I wear a maxi dress--which have gotten much shorter, or the above new t-shirt-- my belly is hanging out.)

I'm generally feeling: Incredibly happy, tired, and ready for work to slow down. But very happy about life!

Notable sibling moments: Another big milestone tonight-- Norah played well with her dolls. As in, they got to eat dinner with them, she shared her milk, then she made them a bed. This is a stark change from "I DON'T WANT TO PLAY WITH BABY." So I'll take it!

House update?: Slowly trucking away!! The nursery is on its way to being... um... decent? Once we get the stormtrooper outfit out of there (massive box that needs to go in the garage), we will have more room to spread out and decorate. Got the glider (first part of our Target order) today, will hopefully get everything else by next week, then put everything together! Which is great, because'we're officially running out of time, haha!

Looking forward to: Being more relaxed. Right now I'm happy and busy, but really, really looking forward to being happy and relaxed... because I know our house is going to get a heck of a lot busier really, really soon :)

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