Thursday, August 22, 2013

One Month Update

How can Norah possibly be one month old already?! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home. And on the other hand, it feels like we've always known her. It's kind of an odd feeling, really. 

This last month has, of course, been fantastic. Full of all sorts of new (scary, heartwarming, exciting and tiring) things. Again, it's been so awesome seeing so much of our family and friends-- Norah is so loved already! 

And keeping true to form, here is what has been going on this past month:

SizeLast time she was weighed was at her two-week appointment, where she was just about 9 pounds-- so I'm guessing approaching 10 pounds at this point? As of two weeks ago, she was in the 95th percentile for height and weight-- eating is definitely not her problem. 

Sleep: There are definitely good days and bad days (or rather, good days and typical newborn days?) During the night we seem to have mastered the three-hour sleep/wake pattern; she's up nearly every three hours like clockwork for a change and a feed. The hard part is when she decides she's awake and ready to party at 10pm-- until about 2-3pm. Doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's quite challenging. It's so sad when you're incredibly tired and ready to pass out-- and she's staring back at you with her big blue eyes, kicking away, giving you that 'why aren't you playing with me, mom?' face. 
Social: First few weeks, she was the master of sleeping on-- and through-- everything. Nothing could wake our gal up. Lately she's been a bit more active when people come over, which leads to a bit of fussing-- we are having to plan visits around when she needs to be fed; which generally leads how social she's feeling that day.
Diet: Breastfeeding only (like a champ-- she had to use the shield for the first three weeks, but we've officially kicked the habit-- woohoo! I am much less covered in milk these days than I used to be. Huge upgrade.) 
Clothes: Fitting well in our 0-3 month clothes. There are a few newborn things that fit, but nothing too crazy. Right now I'm just a bit sad, everyone bought us all of these adorable newborn clothes-- what I'm discovering is she only lives in onesies, and since we don't get out much, there's really no excuse to wear real clothes (me as well). I'm making a pact to never again buy a future-mom a newborn outfit. (It's tough getting her dressed, too... so even just trying things on for the sake of it just gets her fussy and sad.)
Likes: Eating! Blowing kisses on her cheeks, raspberries on her tummy, and eskimo kisses. She also loves when dad walks her around the house (she refuses to let him sit down), and spending tummy time on my chest. 
Milestones: Smiles and giggles! Not always in response to things you do, right now it seems more of a 'I'm happy, and here's my smile' type of thing. We are very much looking forward to the time when we can coerce a giggle out of her-- but again, not trying to rush anything! I will take the happy wide eyed, open mouth response to most things at the moment :)


  1. That's my grand-baby!!!!! WOOOHOOO love love love her!!

  2. ugggggh! she is so beautiful! this may just be my hormones, but I cry whenever I see a picture of her and baby is kicking up a storm (sorry little one! mommy is full of the crazy)

  3. ughhh she is so beautiful! this may be the hormones but I cry whenever I see a picture of her, and baby is kicking up a storm (sorry little one, mommy is full of the crazy)
