Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Baby Wisely: Week 31

How far along? 31 weeks (four navel oranges?? 3.3 pounds, and 16 inches long, although I know she was bigger than that a few weeks ago!)

The good?: The good is still great! Still feeling healthy, happy, and trying to make time go by slowly. Just had a very happy and relaxing Memorial day weekend full of birthday parties, bbq's, and belly rubs. Also felt the bean's first hiccups this week, which were pretty adorable.

The bad?: Finally reached the point where it's hard to change the radio station in the Accord. Walking slower, and starting to waddle up hills-- still attempting to hang in there though. 

Movement: She's finally settling into a 'kick in the morning, kick at night', which makes me super happy because I can keep track of her. Today, however, she has been kicking all day, from first thing this morning to right now-- apparently Aunt Patti's test baby shower cupcakes make her a happy girl! (As that's what I ate most of yesterday and today! Delicious!) 

Food cravings: Nope! 

Anything sounding disgusting? Nope!

Nursery update? Still holding off. As organized as I can be at the moment.

How's the belly? Baby is still jammed firmly into my right rib/in my lung, which is still a bit uncomfortable-- but belly is still managing to grow normally with no--knock on wood-- stretch marks to report yet!

Sleep? Still sleeping very soundly! So thankful for that. I will try to remember that over the coming months.